How Much Will My SIP Building Kit Cost ?
You are thinking about building your next project with Structural Insulated Panels and would like to know how to budget the cost of your project.
The cost of your building kit will depend on a number of factors including the performance level of the building kit required for your project. Active Zero Energy Bandwagon offers building kits with wind rating levels of 120 mph, 150 mph and Dade County 180 mph high wind impact rating approved for the coastal zones of Florida. Earthquake design can also be added to most any building kit design requirement as an added service. Designs with higher wind ratings and seismic requirements will have more anchors, tie-down strapping for uplift and additional ties for lateral movement. The amount of anchors and ties can affect the cost of the building kit. The height of walls, configuration, slope and length of roof panels can all have an effect on the square foot cost of your building kit. One of the main benefits of SIP construction is that many of the traditional construction steps have been greatly reduced or even eliminated. SIP construction allows for open ceilings as engineered roof trusses are not required for most projects. With the Active Zero Energy Bandwagon MGO SIP interior panel, interior drywall is eliminated. Think of the time savings in eliminating the furring, inspections, and the process of hanging drywall, all stream lined into a time saving activity of installing the Active Zero Energy Bandwagon SIP panel.
For determining the exact cost of SIPs for your project, a complete set of plans and engineering is required.
Please use the examples below to help assist you with calculating the budget cost of your Active Zero Energy Bandwagon SIP Building Kit.
Should you require a detailed estimate of your project, Active Zero Energy Bandwagon will require a complete set of Architectural Drawings. We provide the first project estimate at no charge. Additional project estimates require a deposit payment of $250 each which is applied as a payment against the purchase of the building kit quoted. Should the client elect not to purchase the building kit, the deposit payment is forfeited to cover Active Zero Energy Bandwagon’s cost.
Active Zero Energy Bandwagon will assist your Architect and Design team by providing SIP details and specifications to be included in the permit set of drawings. Design and engineering of your SIP Building kit can proceed with a deposit payment which is credited against the cost of your building kit. Should the client elect not to purchase the building kit, the deposit payment is forfeited to cover Active Zero Energy Bandwagon’s engineering cost.